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Marketing Miscellaneous Resources

How many influencers for a campaign?

Which Influencers are best

How do you choose the number?

Influencers can be a very effective way to reach a targetted audience. But making decisions about which influencer to choose, large or small, and how many to choose is difficult. More than 70% of campaigns use influencers to some extent and most use multiple influencers.

A marketing strategy for influencers needs to be developed. There will need to be testing to see what works for your company’s brand. Factors that will influence your choices are:

  1. What are your niches?
  2. The best approach for that niche – brand ambassador, gifting, blogging ads, video ads.
  3. The type of adds – video,
  4. Which influencers will your company be able to build a relationship?
  5. How much compensation are you willing to pay.?
  6. Detail what you want from the advertising and your expectations of the influencer.
  7. Document guidelines for the influencer to follow.
  8. Create a standard influencer agreement template.
  9. Expected ROI.

List all the sizes and types of influences and look at what is best for your company. The trend at the moment is to have many smaller influencers and spread the risk. But this may not suit your company and selecting one or two brand ambassadors would be more effecdtive.

What are the different sizes of influencers?

STIM has identified five groups of followers:

  • Nano-influencers: 1,000-10,000 followers.
  • Micro-influencers: 10,000-50,000 followers.
  • Mid-tier influencers: 50,000-500,000 followers.
  • Macro-influencers: 500,000-1 million followers.
  • Mega-Influencers: 1 million+ followers.

Types of Influencer Collaboration.

There are a number of ways to collaborate with influencers:

  1. Sponsored Social Media Content – your company provides content
  2. Gifting – your company provides gifts
  3. Brand Ambassador – the influencer commits to your brand long-term
  4. Takeover – the influencer appears on your social media accounts
  5. Sponsored Blog Posts – influencer blogs on standard websites
  6. Guest Blogging -your company blogs on their website.
  7. Video content – such as Youtube and Tiktok.

Costs of Influencers

The costing will varying significantly. Gifting, for example, can just the cost of providing the gift – but with no guarantee the gift will even be mentioned. Some indicative pricing is:

  • 10,000 followers could charge $20 per post.
  • 100,000 followers could charge $200 per post.
  • 1,000,000 followers could charge $2000 per post.

Influencer Marketing Software

Software that you help you through the maze includes: